• Ricky celebrates 28 years of partnering with the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation (SCHF)

“Let’s preface this one by saying you’re talking to a dinosaur.” 


It’s fair to say that online business has truly boomed in the last few years, especially with covid-19 taking over the globe. People have had the option to do their usual consumer habits in the comfort of their own home.  


But as we slowly return to true normalcy, what are Ron’s thoughts on the topic of online business?  


“I’m happy to embrace new technology” he says, admitting he isn’t the quickest with learning. 


“Is it the answer? My personal opinion; No, it’s not.” He says, admitting that he believes that really, there is no single “answer” to a successful business. “I think it is a tool to be used to harness and move forward in business. Not the answer, but a big part of the answer.” 


“I love the fact that people can go out and see things quicker using online platforms… I’m just not the best at using them!” 


Check out the episode for more insight on the topic below.